The PGA Tour, LIV Golf League, and the Saudi Arabia Controversy



In recent times, the PGA Tour-LIV Golf League-Saudi Arabia controversy has been making headlines, raising questions and concerns within the golfing community and beyond. The proposed alliance between these entities has sparked intense scrutiny and debates about the future of the sport and the implications of such partnerships.

Leaked Documents Released by the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Investigations

Adding fuel to the fire, the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations recently released leaked documents that shed light on the negotiations and discussions surrounding the proposed alliance. These documents have provided valuable insights and opened up a broader conversation about the integrity and direction of the PGA Tour and the LIV Golf League.

Key Players Involved

Throughout this controversy, several key players have been at the center of attention. Greg Norman, the CEO and commissioner of the LIV Golf League, has been a significant figure in the discussions. Additionally, notable golfers like Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy have been mentioned in relation to the proposed ownership of LIV teams. These prominent individuals play a crucial role in shaping the narrative and outcome of this controversy.

As we delve into the details and implications of this controversy, it is essential to explore the leaked documents, understand the positions of key players, and analyze the potential impact on the golfing landscape.

Background of the Controversy

The LIV Golf League has been making waves in the world of golf, and its association with the PGA Tour has sparked both excitement and controversy. The LIV Golf League is a standalone entity that aims to bring a fresh and innovative approach to the sport.

Recently, there have been discussions about a potential alliance between the LIV Golf League, DP World Tour, and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF). This proposed partnership aims to revolutionize the golfing world by introducing new formats, attracting top players, and offering substantial financial investments.

Criticism and Scrutiny Faced by the PGA Tour

However, the PGA Tour’s association with the Saudi Arabian monarchy has faced significant criticism and scrutiny. Human rights groups, survivors, and families of the September 11 attacks have raised concerns about the PGA Tour’s decision to engage with a regime known for its repressive practices.

The controversy surrounding the partnership has caught the attention of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division. These governing bodies are examining the PGA Tour’s alleged monopolistic business practices and questioning the motives behind their association with Saudi Arabia.

The need for transparency and accountability has become a focal point in this controversy, as many stakeholders demand a thorough investigation into the details of the proposed alliance. The golfing community, fans, and the public at large are closely watching the developments and seeking clarity on the future of the PGA Tour and the LIV Golf League.

Background of the Controversy

The LIV Golf League has emerged as an exciting venture in the world of golf. As a standalone entity, it aims to introduce fresh concepts and engage a wider audience. While it operates independently, the LIV Golf League has had some interactions with the PGA Tour, which has further sparked interest among golf enthusiasts.

The LIV Golf League has been in talks with the DP World Tour and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) regarding a potential alliance. This proposed collaboration aims to bring together the strengths of these entities and create a new era for golf. By combining resources, they intend to enhance the sport’s reach, attract top players, and offer exciting new formats and competitions.

The PGA Tour’s involvement in the proposed alliance has drawn both criticism and scrutiny. Many have expressed concerns about the association with the Saudi Arabian monarchy, which has been scrutinized for its human rights records. These concerns have led to calls for transparency and accountability from the PGA Tour in their decision-making process.

The controversy surrounding this partnership has attracted attention from various quarters, including the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division. They are closely examining the PGA Tour’s business practices and evaluating the potential impact of this alliance. Furthermore, human rights groups, as well as survivors and families of the September 11 attacks, have voiced their objections to the PGA Tour’s collaboration with Saudi Arabia.

As the controversy unfolds, stakeholders and golf fans eagerly await further developments and seek clarity on the future of the PGA Tour and the LIV Golf League. Transparency and open dialogue are crucial to address concerns and ensure the sport of golf continues to thrive while upholding ethical standards.

The Leaked Documents and Revelations

Recently, the U.S. Senate Subcommittee released leaked documents that shed light on the PGA Tour-LIV Golf League controversy. These documents provide valuable insights into the negotiations and discussions surrounding the proposed alliance. They offer a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes activities and decision-making processes.

One significant revelation from the leaked documents is the proposed ousting of Greg Norman as the CEO and commissioner of the LIV Golf League. The documents suggest that PGA Tour officials were pushing for Norman’s removal once the proposed partnership with DP World Tour and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) was finalized. This development has raised questions about the future leadership of the LIV Golf League.

The leaked documents also highlight an undisclosed meeting between Rory McIlroy, a member of the PGA Tour Policy Board, and Yasir Al-Rumayyan, the governor of Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund. This meeting took place in Dubai and had not been publicly disclosed by McIlroy. The revelation of this meeting has sparked curiosity and speculation about the potential influence it may have had on the decision-making process.

According to the leaked documents, a side letter in the framework agreement proposed that Greg Norman and Performance54, a London-based marketing and consultant group, step down once the proposed partnership is finalized. However, it remains unclear whether this side agreement was executed by PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan, DP World Tour CEO Keith Pelley, and Yasir Al-Rumayyan.

The revelations from the leaked documents have significant implications for the proposed partnership between the PGA Tour, LIV Golf League, DP World Tour, and PIF. The discussions about removing Greg Norman, the undisclosed meeting involving Rory McIlroy, and the side letter calling for Norman’s and Performance54’s departure all raise questions about the stability and future direction of the partnership. These revelations add a layer of complexity and uncertainty to an already controversial situation.

Reactions and Criticism

The proposed alliance between the PGA Tour, LIV Golf League, and Saudi Arabia’s PIF has triggered various reactions from key individuals and organizations. Subcommittee chairman Richard Blumenthal has been vocal about his concerns, emphasizing the potential influence of a repressive regime on an esteemed American institution. Terry Strada, the national chair of 9/11 Families United, has also expressed strong opposition, criticizing the PGA Tour’s association with Saudi Arabia as a PR strategy to divert attention from past controversies.

Human rights groups and survivors/families of the September 11 attacks have raised valid concerns about the proposed partnership. They question the PGA Tour’s decision to engage with a regime accused of human rights abuses and its potential impact on the sport. These individuals and organizations highlight the need for ethical considerations and the importance of not overshadowing past grievances for financial gains.

The PGA Tour’s alleged monopolistic business practices and its partnership with Saudi Arabia have attracted the attention of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division. Both governing bodies are closely scrutinizing the proposed alliance and assessing any potential violations or adverse impacts on competition within the golf industry. This scrutiny underscores the significance of the controversy and the potential legal implications it may entail.

As the reactions and criticism continue to mount, the PGA Tour and its partners must address these concerns and engage in transparent dialogue to maintain the trust and support of the public, golf enthusiasts, and relevant stakeholders.

The Negotiations and Agreements

The negotiations between the PGA Tour and Saudi Arabia’s PIF have unfolded over a specific timeline. While the exact details may vary, here is a general overview of the negotiation process:

  • December 8: Discussions regarding a potential agreement between the PGA Tour and PIF begin.
  • April: Renewed efforts to unify the game and address the growing interest in the LIV Golf League.
  • May 11-12: Meetings in Venice involving key individuals like Ed Herlihy, Jimmy Dunne, and Amanda Staveley to discuss a potential deal.
  • May 28: Further discussions held in San Francisco with participation from Keith Pelley and John Wolf of the PGA Tour.
  • June 5-6: Final meeting in New York with Laura Neal joining the core group.

Throughout the negotiations, various proposed agreements and offers were put forward. Some notable elements included:

  • Equalization Funds: A proposal was made to establish substantial equalization funds for players who remained loyal to the PGA Tour.
  • Access to Major Championships: The LIV Golf League players would have unfettered access to the four major championships, and their eligibility for the Ryder Cup and Presidents Cup would be reinstated.
  • Retroactive Ranking Points: LIV Golf players would receive Official World Golf Ranking points, including retroactively for their past performances in LIV Golf events.

Several key individuals played vital roles in the negotiation process:

  • Ed Herlihy: Served as the PGA Tour Policy Board chairman and was involved in discussing the future of LIV Golf with Jimmy Dunne.
  • Jimmy Dunne: Member of the PGA Tour Policy Board and engaged in discussions with various parties to explore a potential deal.
  • Amanda Staveley: Acted as a valued advisor to Yasir Al-Rumayyan and facilitated discussions between the PGA Tour and PIF.

As a result of the negotiations, the formation of a new for-profit entity called “NewCo” was proposed. The PGA Tour would control the majority interest in this entity, regardless of the size of PIF’s investment. This would allow the PGA Tour to retain decision-making authority over strategic and operational matters related to competition. The formation of NewCo aimed to ensure a balance between the stakeholders and protect the PGA Tour’s control over the game of golf.

Remaining Questions and Controversies

Despite the progress made in the negotiations between the PGA Tour, LIV Golf League, and PIF, several uncertainties and unanswered questions linger. Some of these include:

  • Execution of Side Agreement: It remains unclear whether the side agreement calling for Greg Norman and Performance54 to step down was executed by the key parties involved.
  • Player Knowledge: The extent to which professional golf players had knowledge of the negotiations is still uncertain, leaving room for speculation.
  • Asset Allocation: The precise details regarding the assets that will be placed into the new commercial entity and what will remain with the PGA Tour are yet to be disclosed.

Given the complexity and controversy surrounding the proposed partnership, there is a growing need for further investigation and transparency. The details regarding the funding provided by PIF, including the precise amount and how it will be utilized, should be disclosed to ensure clarity and maintain trust among stakeholders and the public.

Former AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson’s resignation from the PGA Tour’s policy board adds another layer of concern. In his resignation letter, Stephenson cited serious concerns about the partnership with PIF, particularly in light of the U.S. intelligence report regarding Jamal Khashoggi’s assassination. His resignation highlights the importance of ethical considerations and the potential reputational risks associated with the partnership.

As the controversy unfolds, it is crucial for stakeholders and governing bodies to address these remaining questions, conduct thorough investigations, and ensure transparency in order to preserve the integrity of the sport and maintain public trust.


In this blog post, we delved into the controversy surrounding the proposed alliance between the PGA Tour, LIV Golf League, DP World Tour, and Saudi Arabia’s PIF. Here are the key points we covered:

  • Background of the Controversy: We provided an overview of the LIV Golf League, its relationship with the PGA Tour, the proposed alliance, and the criticism faced by the PGA Tour for its association with the Saudi Arabian monarchy.
  • The Leaked Documents and Revelations: We discussed the content of the leaked documents, including the proposed ousting of Greg Norman, undisclosed meetings, and side agreements in the framework.
  • Reactions and Criticism: We highlighted the reactions of key individuals and organizations, such as Richard Blumenthal and Terry Strada, as well as the concerns raised by human rights groups and 9/11 survivors/families. We also mentioned the ongoing scrutiny by the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division.
  • The Negotiations and Agreements: We provided a timeline of the negotiations, explained the proposed agreements and offers, and discussed the role of key individuals involved in the process.
  • Remaining Questions and Controversies: We addressed the uncertainties, unanswered questions, and the need for further investigation and disclosure of funding details. We also mentioned the resignation of former AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson and his concerns.

The controversy surrounding the proposed alliance persists, underscoring the importance of transparency and accountability. It is crucial for all parties involved to address concerns, engage in open dialogue, and provide clarity regarding the partnership’s implications. The public and stakeholders deserve transparency to make informed judgments and decisions about the future of the PGA Tour and the LIV Golf League.

The outcome of this controversy could have a profound impact on the future of the PGA Tour and the LIV Golf League. The decisions made, the measures taken to address concerns, and the level of transparency demonstrated will shape the perception of these entities moving forward. It is essential for them to navigate this controversy carefully, ensuring the integrity of the sport while upholding ethical standards and meeting the expectations of fans, players, and the wider golfing community.


What is the PGA Tour-LIV Golf League-Saudi Arabia controversy all about?
The PGA Tour-LIV Golf League-Saudi Arabia controversy revolves around the proposed alliance between these entities and the concerns raised regarding the association of the PGA Tour with the Saudi Arabian monarchy.

What are the leaked documents released by the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Investigations?
The leaked documents released by the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Investigations provide valuable insights into the negotiations and discussions surrounding the proposed alliance, shedding light on the inner workings of the controversial partnership.

Who are the key players involved in the controversy?
The key players involved in the controversy include Greg Norman, the CEO and commissioner of the LIV Golf League, as well as notable golfers like Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy, who have been mentioned in relation to the proposed ownership of LIV teams.

What are the criticisms and scrutiny faced by the PGA Tour in this controversy?
The PGA Tour has faced criticisms and scrutiny for its association with the Saudi Arabian monarchy, with concerns raised by human rights groups, survivors, and families of the September 11 attacks, as well as scrutiny from the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division.

How will this controversy potentially impact the future of the PGA Tour and the LIV Golf League?
The outcome of this controversy could have a significant impact on the future of the PGA Tour and the LIV Golf League. It may influence the perception of these entities, shape their decision-making processes, and determine their ability to maintain public trust and integrity within the sport of golf.

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