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The video starts by addressing a common issue in golf – flipping the swing. The golfer loses posture and tends to stand up, moving away from the golf ball. As the golfer hits the ball, the shaft stands straight, adding unnecessary loft, resulting in a weaker, more glancing blow. This typically leads to a higher sweet spot, causing the ball to hit the lower part of the club, and hence, many thin, somewhat clunky shots.
The Trick: Wrist Angles
To correct these issues, the video demonstrates two tricks. First, the player needs to ensure that their left wrist is bowed rather than flat or bent back. This can be practiced using a golf ball placed in the palm of the hand. During the downswing, the hand turns inwardly. When the player reaches the impact, the hand should be pointed slightly inside out, and the ball should still be presented back to them. If the player flips their wrist, the ball would fall. This exercise can then be repeated with a club.
The Right Hand
The second trick involves the right hand. Similar to the left, the right hand should bend back, but not turn inward as much. At impact, the right hand should be square toward the target, swinging out to the right. In the follow-through, the palm of the right hand should be toward the target for as long as possible.
Reverse K Smack
The golfer also introduces a technique he calls the “reverse K smack”. This involves maintaining the club shaft leaning forward and the right arm leaning to the right, creating a “K” shape. This form should be kept even while smacking the ground during practice swings.
Releasing the Club
The golfer emphasizes the importance of releasing the club correctly. This should occur when the club shaft is parallel to the ground in the follow-through, with the club head as far from the player’s chest as possible. This encourages an extension through the shot, with the player’s chest pointing upward or at least level with the ground.
The Missing Piece: The Anti-Roll Method
The video then refers to a common error – having the face open at impact. This move leads to the club getting steeper and the golfer standing out of posture. This issue can be fixed with the “anti-roll method”, a technique that helps the club to shallow out and come from the inside. With the anti-roll method, the player can square up the face from the correct position.
The video concludes by saying that the anti-roll method, also known as the “motorcycle move” or “tour twist”, is the correct way to square up the club face and is the approach used by professional golfers. With this method, a golfer can shallow out from the inside, making the swing much easier and more effective.