Mackenzie Hughes Withdraws from Travelers Championship Due to Health Issue


In 2023, the Travelers Championship gained designated-event status, ensuring an impressive lineup of players. The tournament directors breathed a sigh of relief, knowing they wouldn’t have to deal with withdrawals from players returning from the West Coast after the U.S. Open. However, one player, Mackenzie Hughes, faced a legitimate health issue that forced him to withdraw from the competition. Let’s delve into the details of Hughes’ unfortunate circumstances and his dedication to the game of golf.

A Painful Withdrawal

Mackenzie Hughes, an experienced golfer, recently competed at LACC, where he tied for 49th place. Despite the disappointing finish, he was determined to give it his all at the Travelers Championship. However, fate had other plans for him. As he embarked on the flight from Los Angeles to Connecticut, discomfort started to creep into his lower right back, gradually intensifying with every passing moment.

Hughes, known for his resilience, tried to find relief by lying down on the floor of the plane. Regrettably, his efforts were in vain. The pain became increasingly unbearable, causing him to feel nauseous and eventually leading to bouts of vomiting. It was a distressing situation for Hughes, who had no idea why he was suddenly so ill.

A Troubling Diagnosis

Upon landing and seeking immediate medical attention, the cause of Mackenzie Hughes’ excruciating pain was finally revealed. A CT scan unveiled the presence of kidney stones—a harrowing discovery that shed light on the severity of his condition. Hughes shared his ordeal, stating, “After a CT scan, it turned out that I had kidney stones, which explains the intense pain I was having.”

The doctor informed Hughes that the kidney stone measured 4 mm and would likely pass naturally. However, passing the stone proved to be a difficult and painful process, leaving Hughes still in discomfort and unable to participate in the tournament he held dear. Although disappointed, his main priority was to focus on his recovery and regain his health.

The Grit of a Hockey Guy

Mackenzie Hughes’ attempt to play despite his excruciating pain is a testament to his character and determination. Being an avid hockey enthusiast, Hughes embodies the resilience and toughness often associated with the sport. His decision to take part in the tournament, even under such circumstances, showcases his unwavering commitment to the game of golf.

Hockey players are known for their ability to endure physical pain and push through challenges. Hughes’ background in hockey likely played a role in his decision to give the Travelers Championship a shot, despite the immense discomfort he was experiencing. The mental and physical toughness instilled in him through hockey shaped his mindset and provided the strength to face adversity head-on.

A Disappointing Withdrawal

Initially, Hughes’ withdrawal from the tournament was attributed to an “illness.” However, the true nature of his condition was far more severe. Kidney stones are not only incredibly painful but can also have a significant impact on a person’s well-being. The fact that Hughes made it as far as the first round of the tournament before succumbing to the pain speaks volumes about his determination and love for the sport.

As the news spread about Hughes’ withdrawal, fans and fellow golfers expressed their support and wished him a speedy recovery. The golfing community recognized the immense dedication required to compete at the highest level, and they understood the disappointment Hughes must have felt about missing out on one of his favorite tournaments.

Hoping for a Swift Recovery

The road to recovery from kidney stones can be arduous, and Mackenzie Hughes was well aware of the challenges that lay ahead. While he remained optimistic about the stone passing naturally, he understood that it would require time, rest, and patience. Hughes acknowledged the importance of prioritizing his health over his immediate desire to compete, a decision that showcased his maturity and long-term perspective.

The golfing world eagerly awaits the triumphant return of Mackenzie Hughes. As he focuses on his recovery, it is essential to acknowledge the support he has received from fans, fellow players, and tournament organizers. Messages of encouragement and well-wishes flooded social media platforms, demonstrating the unity and camaraderie within the golf community.

In the midst of disappointment

In the midst of disappointment, Hughes found solace in the outpouring of support. He expressed his gratitude, stating, “I hate to withdraw from one of my favorite tournaments of the year, but I look forward to getting healthy and getting back soon.” These words reflected his determination to overcome this setback and return to the game stronger than ever.

The battle with kidney stones is not an uncommon one. Many individuals have faced similar challenges and can empathize with Hughes’ situation. His openness about his condition and willingness to share his story serves as an inspiration to others who may be going through similar health struggles.

While Hughes’ focus is currently on his recovery, he understands the importance of maintaining a positive mindset during this time. Remaining optimistic and trusting in the process is crucial for both physical and mental healing. With the unwavering support of his loved ones and the golfing community, he can draw strength and motivation as he navigates the path to recovery.

As a professional golfer, Mackenzie Hughes’ journey extends beyond the fairways and greens. His story exemplifies the resilience and determination required to succeed in the face of adversity. It is a testament to the fact that even the most accomplished athletes are not immune to health challenges that can disrupt their careers.

Hughes’ experience serves as a reminder that athletes, like any individuals, face obstacles that are often unseen. While they may make the game look effortless, they endure physical and mental struggles behind the scenes. It is essential to appreciate the dedication, sacrifices, and sheer willpower it takes to compete at the highest level.

In the coming weeks, as Hughes focuses on his recovery, golf enthusiasts will eagerly anticipate his return to the course. The Travelers Championship and future tournaments will provide opportunities for him to showcase his skills once again. Hughes’ absence from the game serves as a reminder of the impact a player can have on the sport and the excitement that ensues when they make their comeback.


In conclusion, Mackenzie Hughes’ withdrawal from the Travelers Championship due to kidney stones was a disheartening turn of events. Despite his best efforts and determination, his health took precedence over the tournament. As he embarks on his recovery journey, the golfing community rallies behind him, providing support, encouragement, and well wishes.

Hughes’ experience serves as a reminder of the challenges athletes face and the resilience required to overcome obstacles. His dedication to the game of golf, even in the face of immense pain, showcases his unwavering commitment to his craft. As the days pass, Hughes remains focused on his recovery, eagerly anticipating the moment he can step back onto the course, fully healed and ready to compete once again. The golfing world eagerly awaits his return, standing ready to witness his triumph over adversity and celebrate his indomitable spirit.

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