From Prize Money to Financial Planning: How Golf Pros Manage Their Wealth



Allisen Corpuz, the newly crowned U.S. Women’s Open champion, finds herself in possession of the largest first-place check in the history of women’s golf. With a laugh, she contemplates how to put her $2 million payday to good use. But for professional golfers like Corpuz, managing newfound wealth requires careful planning and financial acumen.

In today’s golfing landscape, the earnings potential for young LPGA, PGA Tour, and LIV players is skyrocketing. Rising stars such as Rose Zhang, Ludvig Aberg, and Eugenio Lopez-Chacarra are already accumulating staggering amounts of money from prize winnings, endorsements, and additional revenue streams.

Financial planning has become a necessity for these athletes. Just like first-round NBA or NFL draft picks, golf pros must now approach the beginning of their careers with a strategic mindset. A business degree or an MBA, like the ones Corpuz earned at USC, can certainly provide an edge in managing personal finances. However, the intricate nature of tax laws and the substantial purses they win necessitate expert guidance.

In this blog post, we will explore how professional golfers tackle the challenge of managing their wealth. We’ll dive into the crucial role that financial advisors, like Craig Brown, play in helping these athletes set up and manage their financial empires. We’ll also discuss the importance of building a comprehensive financial plan that protects assets, minimizes tax burdens, and establishes a sustainable lifestyle.

Taxation considerations play a significant role in financial planning for golf pros. The choice of where to call home can have a substantial impact on their tax liabilities. States like Florida and Texas, with their lack of state income tax, have become popular among players seeking to maximize their earnings. By making informed decisions about residency, golf pros can potentially save millions of dollars in taxes, allowing them to invest in their future endeavors.

One common financial pitfall for athletes is excessive spending. To avoid this, players are advised to control their expenses and live within the means of their investment income. This disciplined approach ensures long-term financial security and prevents the risk of running out of money in the future.

Moreover, we’ll explore how golf pros are capitalizing on their wealth beyond traditional endorsements. Athletes like Rory McIlroy have ventured into investment funds and partnered with fellow athletes to start innovative ventures that go beyond their playing careers. By taking ownership and participating in companies’ increasing value, these athletes create a lasting legacy.

Join us in the next section as we delve deeper into the strategies employed by golf pros to protect their wealth, make informed investments, and secure their financial futures. Together, we’ll unravel the secrets behind managing wealth in the competitive world of professional golf.

The Need for Financial Management in Professional Golf

A New Era of Earnings

Professional golf has entered a new era of earnings, with prize money and endorsement opportunities reaching unprecedented heights. Young players like Rose Zhang, Ludvig Aberg, and Eugenio Lopez-Chacarra are cashing in on their talent, accumulating substantial wealth early in their careers.

Navigating the Tax Maze

While the financial prospects for golf pros are enticing, they also come with complexities. Tax laws can be a maze, and understanding them is crucial for effective financial planning. By managing their earnings wisely, players can minimize tax burdens and preserve their hard-earned wealth.

Corpuz’s Preparedness

Allisen Corpuz stands as an example of preparedness in the realm of personal finances. With a business degree and an MBA from USC under her belt, Corpuz demonstrates a proactive approach to handling her wealth. Her educational background equips her with the knowledge to make informed decisions about her financial future.

Embracing Financial Planning

Golf pros are beginning to recognize the need for financial planning early in their careers. No longer can they afford to overlook the importance of managing their wealth. With rising earnings and complex financial landscapes, financial planning becomes an integral part of their success.

The Role of a Financial Advisor

Meet Craig Brown, Financial Advisor Extraordinaire

In the realm of professional sports, financial advisors play a pivotal role in guiding athletes towards financial success. In golf, one prominent figure in this field is Craig Brown, known for his expertise in assisting star draft picks in major American sports. With his extensive experience, he brings valuable insights to the table, helping golf pros set up and manage their financial empires.

Two Types of Clients

When it comes to working with golf pros, Craig Brown encounters two distinct categories of clients. The first group consists of individuals who seek guidance from a young age. These players understand the importance of building a solid financial foundation early on and are eager to create a roadmap for their financial future.

The second group comprises players who require assistance due to past financial missteps. These individuals may have made poor financial choices or found themselves in a challenging financial situation. Brown’s expertise enables them to navigate their way out of financial difficulties and chart a new course towards financial stability.

Brown’s Recommended Financial Plan

For golf pros, a robust financial plan is essential for managing their wealth effectively. Craig Brown advocates for a strategic approach that encompasses several key elements. First and foremost, asset protection is crucial to shield players’ wealth from unnecessary risks.

In addition, Brown emphasizes the importance of limited spending. By adhering to a sensible budget and living within their means, golf pros can ensure their financial security in the long run. This approach allows players to strike a balance between enjoying the fruits of their success and maintaining a sustainable lifestyle.

Taxation Considerations for Golf Pros

The Residency Factor

When it comes to taxation, a player’s choice of residency can have a significant impact on their financial well-being. Many golf pros flock to states like Florida and Texas, which boast the advantage of having no state income tax. By establishing residency in these tax-friendly states, players can potentially save a substantial amount of money in taxes.

A Case Study: Eugenio Lopez-Chacarra

To illustrate the potential tax savings, let’s take a look at Eugenio Lopez-Chacarra’s situation. Suppose he had chosen to reside in California rather than Florida. In this scenario, he could have faced a staggering tax bill of nearly $2 million to the state alone. However, by proactively setting up residency in Florida, he could enjoy significant savings, which could be redirected towards other investments or personal goals.

The Importance of Early Planning

Early planning plays a crucial role in minimizing tax burdens for golf pros. By making informed decisions about residency before significant earnings accumulate, players can maximize their tax savings. This strategic approach not only protects their wealth but also allows them to make the most of their hard-earned money.

In the upcoming section, we’ll delve deeper into the topic of controlling spending and managing wealth. By understanding the potential pitfalls and adopting smart financial habits, golf pros can ensure their long-term financial security and lay the foundation for a prosperous future.

Controlling Spending and Managing Wealth

Common Financial Pitfalls

For athletes, including golf pros, it’s essential to address common financial pitfalls that can jeopardize their wealth. One of the major challenges is the temptation to overspend and indulge in excessive personal expenses. This can lead to financial troubles and even result in running out of money down the road.

Living Within Means

To avoid these pitfalls, it’s crucial for golf pros to maintain spending within the means of their investment income. This means striking a balance between enjoying the fruits of their success and ensuring sustainable financial growth. By adopting a disciplined approach and making thoughtful financial choices, players can prevent cash burn and secure their long-term financial well-being.

Success Stories in Wealth Management

There are athletes who have successfully managed their wealth and set inspiring examples for others. Take Rose Zhang, for instance. After her remarkable victory, she celebrated by treating herself to a modest splurge—a well-deserved Rolex. By exercising restraint and avoiding extravagant spending, Zhang demonstrates the ability to enjoy her success while maintaining a responsible financial outlook.

Capitalizing on Wealth and Future Investments

Beyond Endorsements

Golf pros are increasingly capitalizing on their wealth by exploring opportunities beyond traditional endorsements. Athletes like Rory McIlroy have leveraged their success to create investment funds and participate in ventures that go beyond their playing careers.

Rory McIlroy’s Investment Success

Rory McIlroy serves as a prime example of a golfer who has successfully ventured into the world of investments. His investment fund, Symphony Ventures, has made significant gains through early stakes in companies like the popular fitness tracker, WHOOP. McIlroy has also partnered with Tiger Woods’ investment fund to start TMRW Sports, an indoor golf league set to debut in 2024.

The Power of Coachability

One significant factor that sets successful athletes apart is their coachability. Golf pros are eager to learn and understand the best practices when it comes to managing their wealth. They recognize that informed investments and creating lasting value are key to securing their financial future. By seeking out experts, like financial advisors and mentors, they position themselves for long-term success.


Managing wealth is of utmost importance for professional golfers as their earnings continue to grow. Through effective financial planning, golf pros can navigate the complexities of taxation, control spending, and capitalize on their wealth for future investments. The significance of financial planning cannot be overstated in securing their long-term financial well-being.

Athletes, including golf pros, are increasingly making smarter financial choices. They are exploring investment opportunities beyond endorsements, leveraging their wealth to create lasting value. By actively participating in ventures and seeking ownership, they are building legacies that extend far beyond their playing careers.

Implementing effective financial strategies brings long-term benefits to golf pros. It enables them to protect and grow their wealth, ensuring financial security even after their time on the course has ended. By seeking the guidance of experienced financial advisors and adopting disciplined financial habits, golf pros can pave the way for a prosperous future.


How do professional golfers manage their wealth and earnings?
Professional golfers manage their wealth and earnings through effective financial planning, seeking guidance from financial advisors, and making informed investment decisions.

Why is financial planning important for golf pros?
Financial planning is crucial for golf pros due to the increasing prize money and complexities of tax laws. It helps them protect their assets, minimize tax burdens, and ensure long-term financial security.

Which states do golf pros prefer for residency due to tax advantages?
Many golf pros prefer states like Florida and Texas due to their lack of state income tax, providing significant tax advantages for managing their wealth.

How can golf pros control their spending and prevent financial troubles?
Golf pros can control their spending by living within their means, maintaining a sustainable lifestyle, and avoiding excessive personal expenses. This approach prevents cash burn and secures their financial well-being.

Are there examples of golf pros leveraging their wealth beyond endorsements?
Yes, golf pros like Rory McIlroy have successfully ventured into investments, starting investment funds and participating in ventures beyond traditional endorsements. These endeavors allow them to create lasting value and build a legacy that extends beyond their playing careers.

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